Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Dudley!!

It was Dudley's birthday yesterday and of course we had to bake him a cake. Hope insisted that she should make one using her Easy Bake oven. So, he had two cakes this year. We sang him Happy Birthday and then let him chow down. I wonder if his birthday wish had something to do with getting rid of a pesky puppy that NEVER leaves him alone...hmmm who could that possibly be????


Here is picture of the snow you miss shoveling, Dad. Makes you want to move from the Lower Mainland, eh!

Baker Hope

Hope still LOVES baking treats in her Easy Bake oven!

I finally got Curtis to take me somewhere with him.

I finally got Curtis to take me somewhere with him.

What are you doing Hope?

What are you doing Hope?
"Mom I am pooping"

Dancing Princess

Dancing Princess
I could watch 12 Dancing Princesses ALL DAY!!

12 Dancing Princesses

Our little Princess has developed an obsession with the Barbie movie "12 Dancing Princesses." She is driving her poor mom crazy with the movie. Throughout the day Curtis and I find ourselves humming the music and the minute we do Hope starts to dance to it. I think it is time to try to wean her from it :)

Kindergarten is coming.

Kindergarten is coming.
Good thing Hope is not going because she looks bored all ready.

Fun times at the wedding

Fun times at the wedding
Waiting for the wedding to start

Being Frogs

That is a really good brownie

What a big smile

Do I look good or what!?

Do I look good or what!?

Sunday School Picnic

Sunday School Picnic
The boys are ready to get the games going!!!


Hope will never have a normal picture again.