Friday, May 27, 2011

Now that is a pink room!!

Handy Curtis renovated Hope's room for her this past week. We, really I, wanted wainscoting on the bottom and a solid colour for the top. Hope was allowed to choose the colour, which was painful to say the least. She wanted green but that is what colour it was before so she settled on Sleeping Beauty pink but we have no idea how Sleeping Beauty could sleep in a room that bright. Curtis thinks you probably could see her room in space :)


When Grandma and Grandpa Reimer, plus Amber, came up for Grandparents Day we had a mini birthday party for Hope. Off to Boston Pizza for lunch and then some cards to open. She was really excited to get her own Starbuck's card (she has placed it in hiding so her Mom does not try to use it) and money!!


Micah and Hope sure loved having Amber come and visit them again. The kids are pretty lucky to have such great cousins!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Soccer 2011

The 2011 soccer season has officially begun. Micah and Hope are both playing this year, which means we will be living at the soccer fields for the next couple of months. Hope is on the orange team and after today her goal is to touch the ball the next game :) Micah is silver and he already scored a goal, which I missed, of course.

Mother's Day Tea

Hope's class put together a Mother's Day Tea for all of the moms on Thursday. They gave us little tissue paper flowers, rubbed our shoulders, recited all of their memory verses, sang some songs and we did a dance together. It was a wonderful afternoon and I feel very blessed to have had this time with my beautiful daughter.

I finally got Curtis to take me somewhere with him.

I finally got Curtis to take me somewhere with him.

What are you doing Hope?

What are you doing Hope?
"Mom I am pooping"

Dancing Princess

Dancing Princess
I could watch 12 Dancing Princesses ALL DAY!!

12 Dancing Princesses

Our little Princess has developed an obsession with the Barbie movie "12 Dancing Princesses." She is driving her poor mom crazy with the movie. Throughout the day Curtis and I find ourselves humming the music and the minute we do Hope starts to dance to it. I think it is time to try to wean her from it :)

Kindergarten is coming.

Kindergarten is coming.
Good thing Hope is not going because she looks bored all ready.

Fun times at the wedding

Fun times at the wedding
Waiting for the wedding to start

Being Frogs

That is a really good brownie

What a big smile

Do I look good or what!?

Do I look good or what!?

Sunday School Picnic

Sunday School Picnic
The boys are ready to get the games going!!!


Hope will never have a normal picture again.